Last night the TV documentary Demi Lovato: Stay Strong aired with many critics expecting the story to be just another trite show on a pop star’s life. But just as many or more were surprised to find Lovato not only open and fearless about her personal challenges, but also her willingness to say she must deal daily with these issues, including teen bipolar with its symptomatic mania and depression. “I still have my ups and downs, but I take it one day at a time.”
Of course during Aurora’s day–with Light Fixtures set in 1963–there was no brave teen standing up to talk about the bipolar disorder. Known then only as manic depression, it was not considered to be a condition found in young people. Even if it were, there was no Facebook, YouTube or Twitter to share the word. (Speaking of YouTube, check out Lovato’s interview with 20/20’s Robin Roberts.)
In the novel, when Aurora’s flying high, she sleeps little, is busy, busy, busy and thinks she’s in full control. Interesting to note in Lovato’s interview, she said she was working hard hard nonstop and was just as demanding of others when she was in full-blown mania. She even struck one of her backup singers. Aurora does not strike anyone during the bipolar mania, but she often finds herself feeling she was a step ahead of those around her and wishing they could be more “aware”. So, although they are nearly 50 years apart in their eras, but both Lovato and Aurora still share the mental disorder challenges that started out in their early teens.
Did any of you see the Lovato documentary? If so, drop your review in the Comments Section on the Light Fixtures homepage. Thanks!

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